Desidades (Jan 2021)
Os “nós” da rede: a construção de ações intersetoriais na prevenção ao uso de drogas com jovens escolares
Adolescence is defined as a moment of seeking acceptance, which makes young people susceptible to the use of psychoactive substances. In this sense, this article is an excerpt from the research Narratives of adolescents about drugs and the Mental Health Services CAPSia and CAPSad: possible intersections in the context of Santa Cruz do Sul, whose objective is to analyse the place of drugs in the constitution of the subject and its effects, as well as the issues of intersectoriality in the basic network of the municipality, regarding health promotion and prevention of drug use and abuse by school students. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with health professionals, responsible for the Health at School Program (PSE). The results showed a distance between health and educational institutions, showing a lack of strategies for an intervention with adolescents. Given this, there is an urgent need to develop actions that aim to give support in the articulation between health and educational institutions