Quantum (Nov 2023)

Variational Quantum Linear Solver

  • Carlos Bravo-Prieto,
  • Ryan LaRose,
  • M. Cerezo,
  • Yigit Subasi,
  • Lukasz Cincio,
  • Patrick J. Coles

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7
p. 1188


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Previously proposed quantum algorithms for solving linear systems of equations cannot be implemented in the near term due to the required circuit depth. Here, we propose a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm, called Variational Quantum Linear Solver (VQLS), for solving linear systems on near-term quantum computers. VQLS seeks to variationally prepare $|x\rangle$ such that $A|x\rangle\propto|b\rangle$. We derive an operationally meaningful termination condition for VQLS that allows one to guarantee that a desired solution precision $\epsilon$ is achieved. Specifically, we prove that $C \geqslant \epsilon^2 / \kappa^2$, where $C$ is the VQLS cost function and $\kappa$ is the condition number of $A$. We present efficient quantum circuits to estimate $C$, while providing evidence for the classical hardness of its estimation. Using Rigetti's quantum computer, we successfully implement VQLS up to a problem size of $1024\times1024$. Finally, we numerically solve non-trivial problems of size up to $2^{50}\times2^{50}$. For the specific examples that we consider, we heuristically find that the time complexity of VQLS scales efficiently in $\epsilon$, $\kappa$, and the system size $N$.