Farmacia Hospitalaria (Feb 2015)
Design and validation of a satisfaction survey with pharmaceutical care received in hospital pharmacyconsultation
Object: To design and to validate a questionnaire to assess satisfaction with pharmaceutical care (PC) received at the hospital pharmacy. Methods: Multicentric study in five andalusian hospital in January 2013. A bibliography search was performed in PUBMED; MESH term; pharmaceutical services, patients satisfaction and questionnaire. Next, the questionnaire was produced by Delphi methodology with ten items and with the following variables; demographics, socials, pharrmacologicals and clinics which the patient was asked for the consequences of the PC in his treatment and illness and for the acceptance with the received service. The patient could answer between one= very insufficient and five= excellent. Before the validation phase questionnaire, a pilot phase was carried out. Descriptive analysis, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were performed in both phases. Data analysis was conducted using the SPSS statistical software package release 20.0. Results: In the pilot phase were included 21 questionnaires and 154 of them in validation phase (response index of 100%). In the last phase, 62% (N=96) of patients were men. More than 50% of patients answered “excelent” in all items of questionnaire in both phases. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and ICC were 0.921 and 0.915 (95%IC: 0.847-0.961) and 0.916 and 0,910 (95%IC: 0.886-0.931) in pilot and validation phases, respectively. Conclusions: A high reliability instrument was designed and validated to evaluate the patient satisfaction with PC received at hospital pharmacy.