KözigazgatásTudomány (Jun 2021)

Általános és különös hatósági eljárási szabályok viszonya a hazai elektronikus hírközlési igazgatásban (The relationship between general and special public authority procedural rules in the administration of electronic communications in Hungary)

  • András Lapsánszky

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 1
pp. 80 – 93


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The study describes the relationship between general and special procedural rules of public authorities in Hungary from a theoretical point of view, using the example of a specialised administrative field, the administration of communications. The study presents the possibilities, necessity, procedural bases and possible problems of the differences, as well as the main theoretical foundations and issues of the applicability of the general rules. The study analyses in detail the specific procedural rules and legal institutions which are of particular importance in the field of communications administration, together with the reasons for them. It presents the relationship of these rules and institutions to the general procedural rules and analyses in detail the regulation, operation and justification of possible derogations, additions and special features.
