Российский психологический журнал (Jun 2015)
The Sociometric Expert Methodology for Detecting the Employees in Internal Affairs Agencies, Disposed to Distort the Confidential Information
The article highlights the materials on the development the sociometric expert methodology for detection of employees in Internal Affairs Agencies, disposed to distort the confidential information at the execution of their duties. The questionnaire consisting of seven questions three of which reflect the relation of the estimated employees to distortion of office information is presented; three questions estimate actions of employees for ensuring reliability of office information and one question integrally reflects valuable orientations and legal installations. The criteria of evaluation the inclination to the distortion of information have been set, they are confirmed by the indexes of behavior manifestations and by the disciplinary practice; the directions of investigations of defining the professional and psychological mechanisms of the studied phenomenon have been defined. 438 employees of 14 territorial authorities and divisions of internal affairs acted as experts, the estimated employees in these bodies and divisions there were only 262 persons. On the basis of results of the statistical analysis the surveyed selection of employees is divided into three groups of rather integrated indicator defining expressiveness of such psychological quality as tendency to distortion of office infor- mation. High level of an integrated indicator (SP ≥ 0,826); low level of an integrated indicator (SP ≤ 0,537) and intermediate group into which employees with the level of an integrated indicator from 0,538 to 0,827 entered. Further research was carried out with two polar groups, which included: studying of features of their office behavior, psychological characteristics, conditions of disciplinary practice, psychodiagnostic inspection of the valuable and semantic sphere, etc. In the conclusion the directions for studying of personal features of the staff of Department of Internal Affairs inclined to distortion of office information are defined.