E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (Feb 2023)
Visual Grammar Models in Animated Music Videos as a Media Environmental Campaign: A Case Study of “Sabda Alam” By Smk Raden Umar Said Kudus
The protection of wildlife in Indonesia is still one of the important topics in the design of media campaigns. Among the various forms of campaign media that socialize is a media campaign in the form of animated music videos. This study discusses a two-dimensional animated music video entitled “Sabda Alam” by SMK Raden Umar Said Kudus, which tells about endemic birds in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to formulate the elements in the animated music video to be used as a visual grammar model. This research used a combination method in the form of quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitatively, the data shows that this animated music video can have a positive influence on the audience, so that the audience feels more concerned about environmental problems, especially about endangered animals in Indonesia. Qualitatively, the analysis refers to the elements in the visual communication design using a visual grammar approach from Christian Leborg which consists of abstract elements, concrete elements, activities elements, and relations elements. The results of the analysis of this study formulate a visual grammar model that combines formalistic aspects in the basic design, animated film structure, cinematography, and layers of sign meaning based on semiotic theory. This research is expected to be a scientific reference in making animated music videos as a media campaign, and to be able to inspire creators to develop other environmental-themed creative economy products.