Children (Jan 2022)
Maintaining Normothermia in Preterm Babies during Stabilisation with an Intact Umbilical Cord
Background: We had experienced an increase in admission hypothermia rates during implementation of deferred cord clamping (DCC) in our unit. Our objective was to reduce the number of babies with a gestation below 32 weeks who are hypothermic on admission, whilst practising DCC and providing delivery room cuddles (DRC). Method: A 12 month quality improvement project set, in a large Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, from January 2020 to December 2020. Monthly rates of admission hypothermia (p = 0.017). Only 1 baby (0.8%) was admitted with a temperature below 36 °C and 12 babies (9.2%) were admitted with a temperature between 36 °C and 36.4 °C. Continued monitoring during the 3 months after the end of the project showed that the improvements were sustained with 0 cases of hypothermia in 33 consecutive admissions. Conclusions: It is possible to achieve low rates of admission hypothermia in preterm babies whilst providing DCC and DRC. Using a quality improvement approach with PDSA cycles is an effective method of changing clinical practice to improve outcomes.