Motricidad (Sep 2010)


  • J. Molina-García,
  • I. Castillo,
  • C. Pablos

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 0
pp. 79 – 91


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<p>&nbsp;</p><p class="titulo1" align="center"><strong>RESUMEN </strong><span class="tabulado"> </span></p> <p class="resumenyabstract" align="justify">El objetivo de este estudio consisti&oacute; en analizar el bienestar psicol&oacute;gico y la pr&aacute;ctica deportiva en funci&oacute;n del g&eacute;nero en una muestra de 121 universitarios (72 hombres y 49 mujeres) con una edad media de 20.46 a&ntilde;os (&plusmn; 2.58). Los resultados mostraron que los hombres practican m&aacute;s deporte y muestran mayor autoestima que las mujeres. No se apreciaron diferencias significativas por g&eacute;nero en cuanto a la satisfacci&oacute;n con la vida y la vitalidad subjetiva. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el nivel de autoestima y en la vitalidad subjetiva entre quien estaba f&iacute;sicamente activo y el que no lo estaba, tanto en hombres como en mujeres. Por &uacute;ltimo, los hombres que estaban f&iacute;sicamente activos informaron sentirse m&aacute;s satisfechos con su vida que aquellos que no lo estaban, no apreci&aacute;ndose relaci&oacute;n entre estar o no f&iacute;sicamente activo&nbsp; y la satisfacci&oacute;n con la vida en el grupo de mujeres.<strong> <br /> Palabras clave: </strong>deporte, bienestar psicol&oacute;gico, universitarios.</p> <p class="tabulado" align="justify">&nbsp;</p> <p class="titulo1" align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p class="resumenyabstract" align="justify">The purpose of this work was to analyse the psychological well-being and the sport practice in a sample of 121 university students (72 men and 49 women) with an average age of 20.46 years (&plusmn; 2.58). The results show that men have a greater self-esteem and practise more sport than women. With regard to the relation between the practice of sport and the self-esteem there are not significant differences between who are active physically and who are not, as much in men as in women. In the same way, significant differences have not been found in the subjective vitality based on the sport practice. With respect to the relation between the satisfaction with the life and the practice of sport there are significant differences between the men who are physically active and the ones less active, but there are not significant differences between women. <br /> <strong>Key words</strong><strong>:</strong> sport, psychological well-being, university student.</p>