Uisahak (Jun 2006)
The academic trend of Oriental Medicine during the Japanese colonial period as observed through the publication of medical books
This thesis examines the academical trend of Oriental Medicine in the Japanese colonial period observed through medical books published during the Japanese colonial period.This is a period in which Western Medicine was introduced,and due to the lean-to-one-side policy by the Japanese, Western Medicine became the mainstream medical science while Oriental Medicine was pushed to the outskirts.Even after all this,the academic activity was flourishing during this period compared to any other periods. This article is divided into various chapters each with its own theme in order to understand the academic trend of Oriental Medicine during the Japanese colonial period.Focusing on the publication of medical books, this article is divided and observed according to various themes such as the study of Dong-Eui-Bo-Gam(東醫寶鑑),the study of Bang-Yak-Hap- Pyeun(方藥合編),the study of Sang-Han-Ron(傷寒論),the study of Sa-sang (四象)constitutional medicine,the study of Eui-Hak-Ip-Mun (醫學入門),the study about Bu-Yang-Ron(扶陽論),On-Bo-Ron(溫補論),and pediatrics, compromise between Western and Oriental Medicine,the study of experience medicine,the study of acupuncture and moxibustion,and etc.