SAGE Open Medical Case Reports (Feb 2023)
Lipid emulsion–induced recovery from unconsciousness caused by lidocaine toxicity: A case report
Lipid emulsion is used to treat systemic toxicity caused by local anesthetics. In addition, lipid emulsion was reported to be effective in ameliorating cardiovascular depression evoked by non-local anesthetic drug toxicity with high lipid solubility. A 47-year-old woman underwent local anesthetic infiltration with 40 mL of 2% lidocaine (20 and 20 mL) to remove a mass in the upper back. After operation, she experienced convulsions and loss of consciousness due to lidocaine toxicity. Midazolam followed by lipid emulsion was administered to treat central nervous system symptoms including unconsciousness and decreased Glasgow Coma Scale. The patient recovered from unconsciousness and presented improved Glasgow Coma Scale after lipid emulsion administration, and then fully recovered from local anesthetic systemic toxicity. This case suggests that early lipid emulsion treatment, before further progression of local anesthetic systemic toxicity, provides an enhanced recovery from unconsciousness and decreased Glasgow Coma Scale due to lidocaine toxicity.