Aula (Nov 2011)
The world of the life of the Colombian researcher in education and pedagogy in Manizales university context. A phenomenological view
This paper accounts for a research inscribed within the research project named Investigation Regions in Education and Pedagogy: Construction of a Research Activity Map for the decade 2000-2010. It makes part of the Doctoral Program in Social Sciences Childhood and Youth carried out by CINDE and Universidad de Manizales. Its main objective is to understand the sense given by researchers in Education and Pedagogy to their daily research work. A phenomenological qualitative research method with a hermeneutical perspective was used. Four researchers were interviewed from four universities of Manizales. The interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analyzed by using two methods: the phenomenological thematic analysis proposed by Max Van Manen and the hermeneutic circle of Hans-Georg Gadamer. The conclusion is that the central experience of being a researcher in these areas is dignity, constructed from three main themes: self-relation, trajectories, and sense modes. It was also concluded that these three topics are closely linked with the life of institutional research in Manizales.