Moneta e Credito (Jun 2013)

Implicazioni di Basilea II per la stabilità finanziaria. Le nuvole si addensano sui paesi in via di sviluppo.

  • Mario Tonveronachi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 60, no. 238


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Placing Basel II in the perspective of the more general trend in financial regulation, the paper analyses its efficacy an efficiency as a device ti foster financial resiliency. In assessing the criticism levelled against the New Accord, special attention is devoted to the case of the emerging countries. I suggest that Basel II is neither a sufficient, nor a necessary condition to attain systematic financial stability, especially in weak institutional and macro-policy environments. Taking also into account just how complex and onerous the scheme is, I conclude that the emerging countries should look for new international institutional arrangements based on the principle of a stability level playing field. JEL Codes: E44, F53, G21, G28, O16
