مجلة كلية العلوم الأسلامية (Sep 2024)
مُصنَّفات الإمامِ الغزاليِّ في موضوع أُصول الفقه الإسلاميِّ ومكانتُها العلميَّة المُكتسبة - دراسةٌ تحليليَّةٌ –
Imam Al-Ghazali (may Allah have mercy on him) authored a collection of invaluable works in the field of usul al-fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence principles), which had a profound influence on the discipline. Scholars after him have drawn from his writings, subjecting them to extensive research, study, and scrutiny. This study finds it essential to shed light on Al-Ghazali's most renowned works in usul al-fiqh, highlighting their significance and importance, while also elucidating certain scholarly aspects related to these works and the reasons for their composition.