Türk Oftalmoloji Dergisi (Dec 2011)
Eye Involvement in Möbius Syndrome and its Treatment
Möbius syndrome is a congenital disease which is characterized by horizontal ophthalmoplegia and facial paralysis. Four patients who were referred to our clinic and were diagnosed as Möbius syndrome were included in the study. Of these, two cases were followed up on a regular basis. In one of these two cases, bilateral medial rectus recession and inferior oblique tenotomy were performed. The other case underwent strabismus surgery followed by amniotic membrane transplantation. In this patient, lateral rectus muscle was determined as hypoplastic during the surgery and medial rectus muscle resection was performed. It was observed that satisfactory refractive and surgical outcomes could be achieved in patients with esotropia. It should be considered that structural muscle anomalies and/or horizontal gaze palsy may accompany this condition, therefore, cranial and orbital magnetic resonance imaging can be helpful in determining these anomalies before the surgery. (Turk J Oph thal mol 2011; 41: 417-22)