Marketing i Menedžment Innovacij (Jun 2015)
The marketing innovative decisions justification based on the diagnosis of management problem areas
The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to develop the theoretical and methodical bases of the process of development, acceptance and implementation of marketing innovative decisions based on a diagnosis of the management problem areas of the enterprise. The results of the analysis. A scientific and methodical approach to the stages formation of the process of development, acceptance and implementation of marketing innovative decisions is developed. The author proposes to distinguish three enlarged stages (problematic, inventive and executive). Each stage has it’s formalized result: problematic – cause-and-result map of managerial problems; inventive – marketing innovative decision; executive – the effect of marketing innovative decision market implementation. A scientific and methodical approach to marketing innovative decisions selecting by the results of problem areas diagnostics based on the integrated risk and quality levels indicators is offered. The choice of marketing innovative decisions from a set of alternatives is proposed to carry out on the basis of criteria-based assessment. In the framework of this methodological approach the criterion is seen as measure of validity and compliance of the marketing innovative decision to objective reality. For the formation the system of the decision selection indicators the author proposes to carry out the division of criteria into two groups: criteria for assessing the level of risk and criteria for assessing the level of quality. The list of criteria is not fixed, it’s selection is carried out depending on the specific requirements of the economic situation in which the process of development, acceptance and implementation of marketing innovative decisions takes place. The number of indicators also isn’t regulated – it may be reduced or supplemented. The final selection of marketing innovative decision from the list of alternatives is proposed to carry out by building the graphical matrix «risk – quality», taking into account the optimality conditions: «risk tends to minimum, quality tends to maximum». The analysis and control of implementation of the marketing innovative decision is proposed to consider as an objective monitoring of the enterprise activity to determine the direction and nature of corrective actions, ensuring the achievement of established goals. Conclusions and directions of further researches. This theoretical study can be used as a basis for further research aimed at the development of methodological principles of the organization of the process of development, acceptance and implementation of marketing innovative decisions and саn be implemented in the modern enterprises.