Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (Jan 2018)
A Wireless Body Sensor Network (WBSN) characterizes an independent system that is used for the purpose of monitoring the daily routine activities of an individual. It comprises of smart sensor nodes which do not have any kind of adverse effect on the daily routine activities and are quite effective in the detection of chronic health problems such as diabetes, heart attack, asthma etc., and to caution the person suffering from diseases in the case of an emergency conditions. In this work, a wireless body area network routing protocol is designed where distance of the sink from various nodes and residual energy of the nodes decides the forwarding nodes to maximize the throughput. In this work, all the sensors on the body will transfer data to sink node and sink node will transmit data to base station or to the server. The simulation results will be evaluated in terms of remaining energy, throughput and number of dead nodes. The obtained results are also ompared with recent published protocols and it has been found that in comparison to SIMPLE and iM-SIMPLE, the proposed protocol E2 (nomenclature used in the paper) has throughput higher than 12.46% and 6.7% respectively.