Ciência e Agrotecnologia (Aug 2011)

Uso da alga Lithothamnium calcareum como fonte alternativa de cálcio nas rações de frangos de corte Use of algae Lithothamnium calcareum as alternative source of calcium in diets for broiler chickens

  • André Carreira Carlos,
  • Nilva Kazue Sakomura,
  • Sandra Regina Freitas Pinheiro,
  • Fernando Marcelo Micai Toledano,
  • Renato Giacometti,
  • José Walter da Silva Júnior

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 35, no. 4
pp. 833 – 839


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Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o uso da alga Lithothamnium calcareum (Pallas) Areschoug nas rações para frangos de corte de 1 a 21 e 21 a 42 dias de idade, em substituição à fonte de cálcio tradicional (calcário calcítico). Para isso, foram utilizados 300 pintos machos, da linhagem Cobb®, que receberam rações contendo o calcário calcítico e a alga Lithothamnium calcareum (colhida de inteira e na forma de areia biodentrítica) como fontes de cálcio. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos e cinco repetições de 20 aves cada. As variáveis analisadas foram: ganho de peso (g/ave), consumo de ração (g/ave) e conversão alimentar (g/g). No final do experimento foram avaliados os parâmetros ósseos: peso da tíbia (g), comprimento da tíbia (mm), diâmetro da tíbia (mm) e teor de cinzas na tíbia (%). Na fase inicial (1 a 21 dias) houve efeito (PThe objective of this study was to evaluate the use of the algae Lithothamnium calcareum (Pallas) Areschoug in diets for broiler chickens from 1 to 21 and 21 to 42 days, to replace the traditional source of calcium (limestone). 300 male chicks from Cobb® strain, which received diets containing limestone and Lithothamnium calcareum algae (as a whole and as sand biodentritic) were used as sources of calcium. The experimental design was completely randomized, with three treatments and five replicates of 20 birds each. The variables analyzed were: weight gain (g / bird), feed intake (g / bird), feed per again (g / g). At the end of the experiment the bone parameters: weight of the tibia (g), tibia length (mm), diameter of the tibia (mm) and ash content in the tibia (%). Were evaluated in the initial phase (1 to 21 days) there was an effect (P <0.05) between treatments for weight gain and feed per again, and the control treatment showed better results. For the growing phase (21 to 42 days) and total period (1 to 42 days) there was no effect among the treatments studied. The use of the algae Lithothamnium calcareum (independently of the harvest) to replace the traditional source of calcium (limestone) can be recommended for diets of broilers without affecting the growth performance. However, one should take into consideration the economic feasibility of using this alternative source in the diets.
