Pastos y Forrajes (Sep 2009)

Efecto de los tratamientos de hidratación-deshidratación en la germinacion, la emergencia y el vigor de las plántulas de Albizia lebbeck y Gliricidia sepium Effect of hydration-dehydration treatments on the germination, emergence and vigor of Albizia lebbeck and Gliricidia sepium seedlings

  • Yolanda Gonzalez,
  • J. A Sánchez,
  • J Reino,
  • Laura A Montejo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 32, no. 3
pp. 1 – 1


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Se investigó el efecto de los tratamientos de hidratación-deshidratación en la respuesta germinativa, la emergencia y el vigor de las plántulas de Albizia lebbeck y Gliricidia sepium, a diferentes condiciones controladas de estrés calórico del sustrato. Los tratamientos fueron: semillas no hidratadas (T1); semillas hidratadas hasta el final de la fase I (T2); semillas hidratadas hasta dos horas antes del inicio de la germinación visible (T3), y posteriormente se deshidrataron durante 48 horas. Las semillas de A. lebbeck se escarificaron con agua a 80ºC durante 2' antes de hidratar. La germinación de las semillas de ambas especies dependió significativamente de la interacción entre la temperatura del sustrato y la hidratación (PThe effect of hydration-dehydration treatments on the germinative response, emergence and vigor of Albizia lebbeck and Gliricidia sepium seedlings was studied under different controlled conditions of caloric stress of the substratum. The treatments were: non hydrated seeds (T1); seeds hydrated until the end of stage I (T2); seeds hydrated until two hours before the beginning of visible germination (T3) and they were later dehydrated for 48 hours. A. lebbeck seeds were scarified with water at 80ºC for 2' before hydrating. The seed germination of both species depended significantly on the interaction between the substratum temperature and hydration (P<0,001). In G. sepium the best results in germination were obtained with long periods (stage III), and in A. lebbeck with short periods (stage I). The emergence showed significant effects due to the positive effects of scarification-partial hydration treatments in A. lebbeck (34 vs 10% in fresh and aged seeds, respectively) and without their combination in G. sepium (12 vs 8% in fresh and aged seeds, respectively). There was a significant increase in plant growth and development. The hydric treatments were concluded to revigorize the aged and fresh seeds from A. lebbeck and G. sepium; for which their application under similar conditions as in this study is recommended.
