Овощи России (Sep 2012)
URGENT PROBLEMS SOLVING OF VEGETABLE BREEDING ACCORDING TO THE IDEAS OF N.I. VAVILOV (based on the III-rd International Scientific-Practical Conference «Modern trends in plant breeding and seed production of vegetable crops. Traditions and Prospects», VNIISSOK, 2012)
November 25, 2012 the international scientific community of geneticists and plant breeders will be celebrating the 125thanniversary of the birth of botanist and genetics, agronomist, geographer and founder of the national school of biology and breeding, Academician Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov. A III-rd International Scientific-Practical Conference «Modern trends in plant breeding and seed production of vegetable crops. Traditions and Prospects» took place in VNIISSOK in August 2012, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the scientist.