Psicologia (Jul 2007)
Institutions for Victimized Children: Functioning Reported by Children and Managers
Institutions for victimized children, in Brazil, have been focus of several studies, mainly in the 1980s, due to lack of quality in the children’s care. After the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente promulgation (Children and Adolescents’ Act), the institutions have been gradually altered and the studies have turned towards the assessment of basic requests, such as quality of the structure and quality of care provided in these institutions. This study had the purpose of analyzing the functioning routine of institutions in the cities of Curitiba and Santos. Thirty children institucionalized into institution for children participated of the study in Curitiba City. Five coordinators of institutions for children participated as well. The date collected was executed with coordinator’s interview. Results indicated that a reduced number of children per caretaker was respected in the majority of cases. However other points such as respect for the individuality and insertion in the community were not achieved by all institutions.