Сахарный диабет (Sep 2010)
The use of the VersaJet hydrosurgical system in patients with diabetic foot syndrome
The management of chronic lesions in DM patients implies a multifactor approach, its important component being the adequate treatment of thewound bed. The new hydrosurgical technology for the purpose based on the VersaJet system poses a number of technical problems and requires assessmentof its applicability and efficiency in patients with different forms of diabetic foot syndrome. Results of the work with this system (62 patients)revealed its advantages, such as reduction of treatment duration and the number of repeat treatments, higher probability of wound healing at sitesdifficult to access (heel, tendon projection regions, etc.). It is concluded that the VersaJet system may be recommended for the use in surgical departmentsproviding specialized medical aid to patients with DM and pyonecrotic foot lesions.