Revista Sociedade & Natureza (Jun 2006)

O Livro didático nas séries iniciais: os "Diversos olhares" para uma coleção de geografia / TEXTBOOKS AND THE FIRST GRADES OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: several “points of view” for an edited textbook of Geography

  • Suely Aparecida Gomes,
  • Jakes Paulo Félix dos Santos

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 34
pp. 87 – 98


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The idea to make a research on the use of the textbook of Geography in the first grades of theelementary school emerged from several discussions during the Course of Geography at the FaculdadeCatólica de Uberlândia-MG. The subject is controversial and there are divergences in what relatesto its importance and use by teachers. We then chose an edition for analysis which is used inseveral state public schools in Uberlândia-MG. We tried to identify and analyze the way somegeographical concepts – that are in our opinion fundamental for the understanding of thegeographical space – are approached in the textbooks. To understand the pedagogic proposal ofsome textbooks of Geography for the first grades of the elementary school it is necessary to evaluate the methodological referential used by the author - or authors - and the criteria that motivate itschoice by teachers and schools. We compared the books content that is suggested by the Secretariade Estado da Educação de Minas Gerais (Education Secretary of the State) to the book content ofthe chosen edition. The objective is not to demerit the work, but to point out ways and someimportant criteria for the choice of textbooks for the first grades of the elementary school. Thisinstrument should not foment discrimination, impartiality or neutrality. It should offer elements sothat teachers and students exercise their potential and creativity on the proposed themes, as a toolto be efficiently used in classrooms.
