Tehnika (Jan 2023)

The analysis of data on cadastral parcels registered within real estate cadastre for category IA state roads in Republic of Serbia

  • Avramović Milivoje D.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 78, no. 6
pp. 641 – 655


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Data analysis on cadastral parcels (CPs)registered within the Real Estate Cadastre (REC) for 1A category state roads (highway) has been presented in the paper. The analysis has been carried out based on data publicly available on web site GeoSrbija and KnWeb - public access. For all highways (from A1 to A4) and according to cadastral municipalities (CMs), the analysis of current number of CPs has been carried out, required optimal number of CPs has been considered and possibility of reducing the number of CPshas been presented. Special attention has been dedicated to merging of existing CPs on which highway is built on, to the needs of changing borders of local governments and borders of CMs, to standardization of registration of ownership rights on CMs registered within REC and to the buildings registered within REC that are located on CPsthat belongs to a highway. Also, problems occurring within the procedures of REC maintenance have been analysed and a proposal for solving these problems is given as well
