Tracés (Dec 2017)

La science politique et l’innovation gouvernementale. À propos d’un texte de Yu Keping

  • Yves Sintomer



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Yu Keping is part of a strong tradition of Chinese intellectuals and social scientists who engage in the public sphere and advise governments. His article “Which type of innovation must be fostered and promoted?”, which assesses the Prize for innovation in local governance, indicates the path that according to him political reforms should have followed in President Hu Jintao’s China. A cautiously managed democratization, relying upon the services provided by local governments, efficiency, state modernization, increased transparency; and secondarily social justice, the recognition of a more independent civil society, and the consultation of citizens-consumers. This reform was supposed to include elections, but in a form that would have differed from Western competitive party elections –a perspective which is no more on the agenda under Xi Jinping’s presidency.
