Il Diritto degli Affari (Apr 2022)

Limiti dell’ordine economico neoliberista e tensione verso un nuovo modello di crescita sostenibile

  • Giulio Peroni

Journal volume & issue
no. 1
pp. 38 – 64


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The various economic and social emergencies of a global nature, which have occurred in recent years – the 2008 financial crisis, the 2011 Euro Sovereign Debt crisis, the 2020 (economic crisis due to) Covid-19 pandemic – most likely destined to worsen due to the current Russian military intervention in Ukraine, have put a strain on the neo-liberal system and the international economic order on which it is based. The other alternative economic models have ceased to exist (and this) fundamentally due to the fall of the Wall of Berlin (1989), and then due to the diffusion of economic and commercial globalization favored by the introduction of the multilateral trading system represented by the WTO (1994) able to create a single market on a world scale. Therefore, the need to overcome the neo-liberal economic system (as it was thought for a long time is increasingly felt), directs, as the United Nations Agenda 2030 tries to do, the action of States towards a new model of economic, social and environmental growth that finds its fundamental driver in the Principle of Sustainable development