Signo (Sep 2018)
And now, my people, a story I'm going to tell you: training experiences for readers in the nursery
This article reports on procedures and results achieved with literary reading projects developed in nursery classes I and II of a private nursery school in Bagé / RS during nine months of the year 2017. The guiding question of the research was to analyze the interaction between children and books, evaluating the extent to which the actions corroborated the construction of a reading behavior by the small students. In this sense, we describe and analyze three reading projects (I count, you recount, we enchanted ourselves, Place of once ... and Traveling Bag) applied in the classes, considering concepts and theoretical presuppositions derived from education and literary theory. The results obtained lead us to conclude that literature projects in nursery classes lead to the approach to books and contribute to the formation of reading habits, but that the pedagogical intention and the family engagement are determinant in its concretization.