Athenea Digital (Jul 2011)

Reflexiones metodológicas en torno a la comprensión de la acción social Methodological reflections about the understanding of social action. Contributions, discussions and tensions between some perspectives comprehensivist, phenomenological and hermeneutic.

  • Marcela Alejandra Parra

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 2
pp. 39 – 56


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<p>&iquest;Qu&eacute; es la acci&oacute;n social? &iquest;c&oacute;mo definimos qu&eacute; es la acci&oacute;n? &iquest;c&oacute;mo comprendemos una acci&oacute;n social? &iquest;qu&eacute; es comprender?, &iquest;qu&eacute; es explicar?, etc., son algunas de las preguntas que gu&iacute;an el presente texto. En &eacute;l, buscamos ensayar algunas reflexiones en torno a dichos interrogantes a partir de la incorporaci&oacute;n de los aportes de Weber, Sh&uuml;ltz y Gadamer.</p><p>En primer lugar, abordamos el concepto de acci&oacute;n social y la manera en que Weber entiende la comprensi&oacute;n dentro de las ciencias sociales. En segundo lugar, introducimoss las cr&iacute;ticas y puntualizaci&oacute;n que Sh&uuml;ltz realiza en torno a la obra de Weber. En tercer lugar, presentamos la concepci&oacute;n de comprensi&oacute;n que propone Gadamer estableciendo una comparaci&oacute;n entre sus aportes y los de Weber.</p><p>Finalmente, realizamos algunas reflexiones metodol&oacute;gicas en torno a nuestras preguntas iniciales, reflexiones que buscan hacer un aporte a quienes investigamos buscando comprender el sentido de las acciones sociales.</p>Understand social action? What is understanding? What is to explain, etc.?. Are some of the questions that guide this text. In it, we rehearse some reflections on these questions based on incorporating the contributions of Max Weber, Hans-Alfred George Shultz and Gadamer.<br /> First, we address the concept of social action and how Weber understood the understanding within the social sciences. Secondly, criticism and clarification introducimoss Shultz made about the work of Weber. Third, we present the conception of understanding that Gadamer proposes a comparison between their contributions and those of Weber. <br /> Finally, we make some methodological reflections about our initial questions, reflections, looking to make a contribution to investigate those seeking to understand the meaning of social actions.
