Revista Odisséia (Nov 2023)
A vítima que se torna sedutora O crime de rapto e de estupro a partir do romance A vida em flor de Dona Bêja
his research analyzed the literary representations about gender violence built on Dona Beja in the historical novel A vida em flor de Dona Bêja(1957) by the Minas Gerais writer Agripa Vasconcelos. The novel analyzed represents the 19th century, a historical moment marked by patriarchy, a social structure in which men hold power, authority and privileges, in this sociopolitical system subordination was expected from women, whether they are mothers, daughters or wives. In patriarchal society, an attempt at male domination over women can be seen, manifested through various forms of violence, which in the novel are expressed through the kidnapping and rape of the protagonist. In this way, from the novel A vida em flor de Dona Bêja, it is possible to rethink the inequalities that have been constituted throughout history between men and women.