Fon (Oct 2023)
ABSTRAK: Novel Gadis Minimarket ini memiliki penggambaran mengenai hubungan antar masyarakat dan bentuk konstruksi sosial. Dalam karya ini digambarkan tentang bagaimana citra kehidupan wanita yang ‘ideal’ menurut masyarakat melalui konstruksi sosial yang dibentuk oleh masyarakat itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk konstruksi wanita ideal yang digambarkan dalam Novel Gadis Minimarket Karya Sayaka Murata. Data berupa kata, frasa, dan kalimat dikumpulkan dengan teknik reading as woman. Data selanjutnya diklasifikasi, diinterpretasi, dan dikaji. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Novel Gadis Minimarket Karya Sayaka Murata menampilkan bentuk konstruksi sosial wanita ideal dalam masyarakat 1) Sudah memiliki pekerjaan tetap di usia tiga puluh tahun 2) Sudah pernah berhubungan asmara dan menikah di usia tiga puluh tahun, dan 3) Memiliki keturunan di usia tiga puluh tahun. Dari penelitian ini dapat diperoleh gambaran mengenai konstruksi wanita ideal dan kritik oleh masyarakat terhadap seorang perempuan. KATA KUNCI: Kritik sastra feminisme, konstruksi sosial, novel SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF IDEAL WOMAN IN SAYAKA MURATAS’S NOVEL CONVENIENCE STORE WOMAN ABSTRACT: Gadis Minimarket's novel has a description of the relationship between communities and forms of social construction. In this novel, described how the image of an ideal woman's life according to society through social construction formed by the community itself. This research aims to describe the ideal form of female construction depicted in the novel Gadis Minimarket by Sayaka Murata. Data in the form of words, phrases, and sentences were collected using the reading as woman technique. The data are then classified, interpreted, and reviewed. The results showed that the novel Gadis Minimarket by Sayaka Murata presented the ideal form of the social construction of women in society 1) Already had a permanent job at the age of thirty 2) Had had an affair and married at the age of thirty, and 3) Have children at the age of thirty. From this research, it can be obtained an overview of the construction of the ideal woman and criticism by society against a woman. KEYWORDS: Feminism Literary Criticism, social construction, novel