Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif (Aug 2016)

Perbandingan Penilaian Visual Analog Scale dari Injeksi Subkutan Morfin 10 mg dan Bupivakain 0,5% pada Pasien Pascabedah Sesar dengan Anestesi Spinal

  • Wulan Fadinie,
  • Hasanul Arifin,
  • Dadik Wahyu Wijaya

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 2
pp. 117 – 123


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ocal anesthetic agent and opioid can subcutaneously be injected into the wound to reduce postoperative pain. This study was conducted to evaluate pain intensity using visual analog scale (VAS), which can be a very effective method of postoperative pain assessment, and to compare VAS when resting and coughing between local infiltration of 10 mg morphine and 2 mg/kgBW 0.5% bupivacaine after caesarian section. This study was a double blinded randomized clinical trial on 100 subjects. The inclusion criteria were pregnant women, aged 20–40 years, with physical ASA I–II status who underwent elective and emergency caesarean section in Haji Adam Malik Hospital, dr. Pirngadi Hospital, Putri HijauHospital, Haji Hospital, and Sundari Hospital during the period of July 2014. Subjects were divided into group A with 10 mg morphine infiltration and group B with 2 mg/kgBW 0.5% bupivacaine local infiltration. The resulting VAS scores were analyzed statistically using Mann-Whitney. ItLower VAS scores were found in group A 4.72 (SB=1.54) when compared to group B 2.14 (SB=1.21). In conclusion, local infiltration of 10 mg morphine is better compared to 2 mg/kgBW 0.5% bupivacaine.
