Aktualʹnì Pitannâ Farmacevtičnoï ì Medičnoï Nauki ta Praktiki (Aug 2015)
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of using drugs containing mycophenolic acid in kidney transplant recipients in the context of domestic pharmaceutical market
Aim. The use of mycophenolic acid (MPA) in patients after kidney transplantation made it possible to achieve significant results in reducing the number of acute rejection of kidney in recipients, and increasing the long-term survival of transplant. Methods and results. With the aim of evaluation of the clinical and economic feasibility of conversion kidney transplant recipients from EC-MPS to MMF in the setting of Ukrainian pharmaceutical market, pharmacoeconomic cost minimization method has been investigated a coefficient of «missed opportunities» in the conversion to a less expensive therapy has been calculated, and the analysis of the impact on the budget has been performed. Conclusion. It has been determined, that the results of pharmacoeconomic calculations present the strong evidence of the economic advantage of MMF over EC-MPS and the feasibility of MMF in patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy with MPA.