Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran (Apr 2022)

<p><strong>Pengaruh pelapisan <em>edible coating</em> terhadap stabilitas dimensi basis gigi tiruan resin akrilik polimerisasi panas</strong></p><p><strong><em>Effect of edible coating on the dimensional stability of hot polymerised acrylic resin denture base</em></strong></p>

  • Erika Monalisa Ginting,
  • Slamat Tarigan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 34, no. 1
pp. 9 – 15


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Pendahuluan: Resin akrilik polimerisasi panas (RAPP) merupakan bahan yang paling umum digunakan dalam pembuatan basis gigi tiruan tetapi memilliki kelemahan, diantaranya penyerapan air yang dapat menurunkan stabilitas dimensi. Kelemahan tersebut dapat dicegah dengan bahan pelapis seperti edible coating dari kitosan. Tujuan penelitian menganalisis pengaruh pelapisan edible coating terhadap stabilitas dimensi basis gigi tiruan RAPP. Metode: Sampel yang diteliti yaitu 32 buah RAPP berukuran 65x10x2,5 mm yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok masing-masing 16 sampel. Sampel direndam akuades selama 24 jam terlebih dahulu untuk mengurangi monomer sisa kemudian dikeringkan didalam desikator lalu sampel diukur. Kelompok A dilapis edible coating dan kelompok B tidak dilapis edible coating. Sampel direndam ke dalam akuades selama 7 hari dan stabilitas dimensi diuji pada hari ke 1,3,5,7 menggunakan digital microscope kemudian dihitung dengan rumus vektor. Hasil: Uji ANAVA 1 menunjukkan jalur terdapat adanya pengaruh lama perendaman dengan nilai p=0,001 (p0,05). Simpulan: Tidak terdapat pengaruh pelapisan edible coating terhadap stabilitas dimensi basis gigi tiruan RAPP, namun nilainya masih dapat ditoleransi oleh kompresibilitas mukosa. Kata kunci: basis gigi tiruan; resin akrilik polimerisasi panas; edible coating; stabilitas dimensi ABSTRACT Introduction: Hot polymerised acrylic resin (HPAR) is the most commonly used material in manufacturing denture bases, but it has weaknesses, including water absorption and reducing dimensional stability. This weakness can be prevented by coating materials such as edible coatings from chitosan. The study aimed to analyse the effect of edible coating on the dimensional stability of the HPAR denture base. Methods: The samples studied were 32 HPAR sized 65x10x2.5 mm, divided into two groups of 16 samples each. The sample was immersed in distilled water for 24 hours to reduce the residual monomer, then dried in a desiccator, and the sample was measured. Group A was coated with an edible coating, and group B was not. Samples were immersed in distilled water for seven days, and the dimensional stability was tested on the first, third, fifth, and seventh days with a digital microscope and then calculated using the vector formula. Results: The one-way ANOVA test showed a significant effect on immersion duration with p=0.001 (p0.05). Conclusion: There is no effect of edible coating on the dimensional stability of the HPAR denture base. However, the value can still be tolerated by the compressibility of the mucosa. Keywords: denture base; heat polymerised acrylic resin; edible coating; dimensional stability
