SHS Web of Conferences (Jan 2018)
Effectiveness of Contextual Science Practicum Module to Improve Science Process Skills and Environmental Caring Character
This study aims to examine the effectiveness of contextual science practicum module to improve science process skills and environmental caring character. The type of this research is research and development refers to the Thiagarajan development model which carried out until development. Before effectiveness test, the validity and practicality of the module were tested. The effectiveness data of practicum module was obtained through a limited field trial conducted with 30 sample of student. The effectiveness test of the module were analyzed using pre experimental method with One Shot Case Study design. The results are: (1) the validity of the practicum module is 3.40 belong to valid category; (2) the practicality of practicum module is 3,50 belong to very good category; and (3) the effectiveness of the practicum module viewed from the skills of the science process is 85,86 belong to good category and the score of students environmental cares at moral knowing is 3,53 belong to entrust category and the score at moral behavior is 3,22 belong to developing category, so the module can be declared effective.The implication of this research is the teacher should understand the component of contextual approach and provide the supporting equipment of practicum activity.