Prizren Social Science Journal (Aug 2019)

Implementation Flood Disaster Policy base Community in Cilacap Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia

  • Sri SUWITRI,
  • Endang LARASATI,
  • Prayitno PRAYITNO

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 2


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Cilacap Regency is the region that has the highest Disaster Risk Index in the Central Java Province, this area has the risk of floods, water robes, landslides, droughts, tornadoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Data from the Indonesian Disaster Risk Index (IRBI) in 2016 shows the level of disaster risk in Cilacap Regency occupying the 17th position nationally and first from 35 regencies/cities in the Central Java Province with a score of 132 (high hazard class). Under these conditions, a Disaster Mitigation Policy is needed. Legally, the Mitigation Policy in Cilacap Regency has been regulated in Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2012 concerning Violation of disaster management, especially in article 43 which includes several activities, namely: (1) Spatial planning implementation (2) Arrangement of infrastructure development, governance buildings, (3) Organizing education, counseling, and training, both conventional and modern, so that regional governments are expected to be able to develop disaster information, disaster databases, and maps in order to minimize the impact of disasters. Therefore, in this study, trying to describe the analysis of the implementation of disaster mitigation policies in Cilacap Regency. The research method used is a qualitative research method by looking at phenomena in the implementation of disaster mitigation and the factors that support and inhibit them. The community plays a role according to the direction of the BPBD. The community continues to coordinate, communicate and cooperate in carrying out its role. The non-technical role is carried out through socialization, education, advocacy to the community in the flood disaster area. Key words: Disaster Mitigation, Policy Implementation, Disaster Impact, Cilacap Regency, Policy Environment
