Revista de Políticas Públicas (Jan 2010)
ENTRE O DISCURSO E O DESEJO: a intersetorialidade nas ações dos técnicos do CRAS e da ESF de Planalto Serrano, Serra/ES
This study aims to analyze how intersectoriality is built by the Social Work Relerence Center - CRAS (Centro de Referéncia da Assisténcia Social) and the Family Health Strategy - ESF (Estratégia de Saúde da Família) teams in the neighborhood 01 Planalto Serrano, in the municipality 01 Serra/Espírito Santo, between July 2008 and July 2009. The study used documental research (management and technicians' reports) and semi-structured interviews involving 13 technicians interviewed in groups and individually. A categorial content analysis approach was employed in the analysis. Discourses showed that interaction between sectors takes place by means of meetings, lectures, and the use of physical spaces. The sectors involved in this effort to interact were inserted in the local services network (neighborhood) and broader network (municipality). The study verified that intersectoriality is expressed in the actions ofthese professionals either through what it is said or through what it is actually desired by them.