1616 (Mar 2016)
Illustration, Rewriting and Transfictionality of «Nikopol Trilogy», by Enki Bilal
This article focuses on the study of the intermedial adaptations of one of the most recognizable titles of adult bande dessinée in France, Nikopol Trilogy by Serbian-born French author Enki Bilal. After a brief discussion of some of the main categories of adaptation, and their applicability to the intermedial circulations from comics to other media such as cinema, radio, television, literature and video games, the analysis focuses on the intermedial productivity of Bilal’s dystopia. This examination is particularly interesting because of the confluence of multiple media and platforms (museum exposition and picture book, theatre and cinema, digital comics and video games) in which narrative materials are modeled in a variety of mechanisms (illustration, rewriting, transfictionality). Thus the persistence of fictional universe and the interest of the major part of its transpositions.