Forest@ (Feb 2017)

TaCAL: a "tariffs" system of tree volume and phytomasses of forest tree species in Calabria (southern Italy)

  • Scrinzi G,
  • Clementel F,
  • Floris A,
  • Gasparini P

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 1
pp. 60 – 74


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In the frame of the ALFORLAB project, a harmonised set of tree volume (and biomass) single entry tables (“tariffs”) was developed for the main 20 forest species of Calabria (Southern Italy), to outline the “coordinates” of volume expression for inventory purposes at both regional and forest planning level. The system, called TaCAL, was based on the double entry volume and biomass functions of the Italian National forest Inventory - INFC 2005 -, and was built studying the height/dbh relationships on 2300 trees measured during the INFC campaign in Calabria, on over 300 sampling plots randomly distributed. For each of the 20 species, or group of similar species, the tariff system is articulated into 9 h/d relationship curves, which are in turn related to corresponding single entry tables of tree volume (stem and branches with dbh above 5 cm), and respective biomass tables. According to INFC 2005 stereometric equations, TaCAL system is suitable for both high forests and coppices. TaCAL provides a uniform volume and biomass estimation system for all main forest species of Calabria as well as, under certain conditions, a unique criterion of expression of the site fertility. TaCAL tariff system has already been integrated into the construction of forecasting models of timber volume and biomass based on angle count samplings, at forest management scale. TaCAL has also provided the basis for ground truth volume estimates to develop forecast models through remote sensing LiDAR data. It must be emphasized that TaCAL represents the first case in Italy in which single tree data by INFC field surveys were used to carry out a comprehensive dendrometric system at a regional level.
