Jurnal Agripet (Apr 2023)
Pengaruh Substitusi Daun Indigofera dengan Silase Daun Pepaya serta Jenis Kemasan Berbeda terhadap Kualitas dan Sifat Fisik Wafer
ABSTRAK. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui kualitas fisik (warna, aroma, tekstur,) serta sifat fisik (kerapatan, berat jenis, kadar air) wafer dengan perbedaan komposisi substrat (substitusi daun indigofera/DI dengan silase daun pepaya/SDP) dan kemasan berbeda. Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) berfaktor (4x4), 3 ulangan digunakan pada penelitian ini. Faktor H merupakan komposisi substrat (substitusi DI dengan SDP) yaitu, H1= SDP 0% + DI 30%; H2= SDP 2% + DI 28%; H3= SDP 4% + DI 26%; H4 = SDP 6% + DI 24%; faktor N adalah jenis kemasan, N0 = tanpa dikemas; N1= plastik; N2= kertas; N3= karung goni. Kualitas fisik (warna, aroma, tekstur) dan sifat fisik (kadar air, berat jenis, kerapatan) wafer merupakan parameter yang diukur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan interaksi (P0,01) antara komposisi substrat dan jenis kemasan memengaruhi aroma dan tekstur wafer. Komposisi substrat (P0,01) sangat nyata memengaruhi berat jenis dan aroma wafer. Jenis kemasan (P0,01) sangat nyata memengaruhi kualitas fisik (aroma, warna, tekstur) dan sifat fisik (kadar air). Substitusi 28% DI dengan 2% SDP pada wafer yang dikemas dengan karung goni menghasilkan tekstur wafer terbaik (tidak berlendir, tekstur padat dan kasar dan skor 3,44) dan substitusi 24% DI dengan 6% SDP yang dikemas dengan karung goni menghasilkan aroma wafer terbaik (skor 3,46 aroma khas wafer). (Effect of substitution of indigofera leaves with papaya leaf silage and different types of packaging on the quality and physical properties of wafers) ABSTRACT. The aims of this study to determine the quality of physical (aroma, color, texture) and the properties of physical (compactness, density, moisture content) of wafers with substrate composition (substitution of indigofera leaves/IL with papaya leaf silage/PLS) and different packaging. The study used a factored completely randomized design (CRD) (4x4) with 3 replications. The H factor is the composition of the substrate (substitution of IL with PLS), namely, H1= PLS 0% + IL 30% H2= PLS 2% + IL 28%; H3= PLS 4% + IL 26%; H4 = PLS 6% + IL 24%; factor N is the type of packaging, N0 = no packaging; N1= plastic; N2= paper; N3 = gunny sack. Parameters measured were quality of physical (color, texture, aroma) and properties of physical (specific gravity, density and moisture content) of wafers. The results showed that the interaction between the type of packaging and the composition of the substrate (P0.01) affected the texture and aroma of wafers. Composition of substrate significantly (P0.01) affected the density and aroma of wafers. The type of packaging significantly (P0.01) affected the physical quality (aroma, color, texture) and physical properties (moisture content). Substitution of 28% IL with 2% PLS on wafers with gunny sack resulted in the best texture of wafer (coarse, dense and not slimy texture, score 3.44) and substitution of 24% DI with 6% SDP with gunny sack packaging with the best aroma of wafer (typical wafer aroma, score 3.46).