Acta Biológica Colombiana (Jan 2000)

Estudio taxonómico de la Familia Chironómidae (Díptera: Nematócera) en el Río Teusacá con énfasis en las exuvias pupales

  • Sandra Esperanza Chiguasuque Mora,
  • Lys Aristide

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 1
pp. 76 – 77


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In this work we contribute to the knowledge of the Colombian Chironomid, studying the pupalexuviae found in the river Teusacá particularly, developing illustrated keys and increasing thereference collection, facilitating in this way the research activities in the field as well as inlaboratory. The following species identify the genera. The taxonomic description is developedanalyzing the more important morphologically characteristic of the pupal exuviae (cephalothoraxand abdomen), identification guide and fundamental part of the keys. 626 pupal exuviae wereidentified and it was determined that the chironomid community for the study area in the riverTeusacá, is compounded for 15 genera belonging to 3 subfamilies: Orthocladiinae(9 genera),Chironominae(4 genera) and Tanypodinae(2 genera). The genera with more representatives in the study area were Corynoneura, Parakiefferiellaand Thiennemaniella, making evident the dominanceof the subfamily Orthocladiinaein the three sampling, corroborating the condition of HighMountain of this river. The abundance of the genera Corynoneura, Parakiefferiella, Thiennemaniella,Cricotopus, Orthocladius, Parametriocnemusand Polypedilum, can corroborate their wide distributiononce again in the world environment. During the sampling times they evidence the biggestquantity in individuals, this showing their capacity of adaptation and survival, due to theantropogenic activity that modifies the conditions of the areas sampled; it was confirmed thatduring the rainy periods the population decrease due to the flow increase.
