Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Dec 2016)
Слухенская Руслана. Мальчик с голубем на плече: детство и юность Остапа Вишни. Украинский юмор особый, он граничит с жанрами трагедии. Ярким примером трагикомедии есть жизнь и творчество выдающегося, наиболее известного и уважаемого в народе украинского юмориста ΧΧ века Остапа Вишни. Актуальность статьи выражается тем, что постколониальное литературоведение и история литературы переживают волну просмотров советского периода. Это открывает новый своеобразный дискурс литературы и писателей как ее создателей, где поступки и тексты следует „считывать” между строк и действий. Ключевые слова: Остап Вишня, юмор, советская система, биография, детство, юность. Sluhenska Ruslana. The boy with the dove on his shoulder: childhood and youth of OstapVyshnya. Ukrainian humor is a particular genre, it resembles tragedy. A striking example of the tragicomedy is life and work of OstapVyshnya – the most outstanding, and the most famous Ukrainian humorist of the ΧΧ century respected by the people. The importance of the article is reflected in the hit wave of revision and reinterpretation of the post-colonial Soviet literary criticism, literary history, and the literature. This opens a new kind of discourse of literature full of suggestions and writers as its creators, where the works and texts should be „read” between lines and actions, where the surviving artists attempted to squeeze through the „heavy artillery shelling” of the Soviet system. They were writing a lot, they were writing on various subjects, they were creating the myth of the system. That is the myth that modern scholars should decode, the „myth as a school of the survival”. The objective of the research is to rethink the writer as a person, in a linear viewing of his biography, not separating the „communist” from the „Ukrainian” period, as despite the „complete rehabilitation” and attempt to „curry favor” in the late 40s - early 50s, Vyshnya „jailed” on in full measure in exile. Childhood of the famous Ukrainian writer-humorist OstapVyshnya occurred in the the tsarist days, but he was the subject to the biggest troubles from the Soviet authorities. There are personal tragedies, but there are tragedies that create regimes destroying entire generations, cultural epochs and nations. His personal tragedy was stipulated by the tragedy of the Ukrainian nation that turned into „the Moscow swamp”. OstapVyshnya was true to a high calling of the writer, the truth of life, he had love and respect for mankind. It was reflected in his work, fulfilled civic duties, some marginal transparency and interest in humanistic problems. He can easily be called the advocate for a people, the human rights devoted without a degree. He was part of the folk spirit, was empowered by it and devoted all his works to the people as his inseparable constant. It's fair to say that creativity of OstapVyshnya was inspired by the great concept of „nation”, as he left the evidence about this in his diaries. Key words: OstapVyshnya, humor, Soviet system, biography, childhood, youth.