Open Veterinary Journal (Mar 2019)
Fungal endometritis in bovines
Fungus is well capable of producing reproductive failures in bovines. As fungus is an opportunistic pathogen, there are more chances for fungus to cause infection in the uterus when certain predisposing factors like prolonged intra-uterine antibiotic therapy, persistent endometritis, presence of necrotic foci, immunosuppression and pneumovagina are available. Various authors have reported incidence of fungal endometritis in repeat breeder endometritic cows and buffaloes. Uterine culture along with the cytological examination of the uterine secretions considered being best way to diagnose this condition, however endometrial biopsy can be used to access the efficacy of treatment to invasive yeast. Intra-uterine treatment with antiseptic solutions and Lugol’s iodine had been found effective in bovines.