Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia (Jul 2012)
Subdural Hematom dengan Atrial Fibrilasi dan Penyakit Jantung Hipertensi
Cedera kepala traumatik merupakan salah satu kondisi yang mengancam jiwa secara serius pada korban kecelakaan, dan merupakan penyebab utama kecacatan dan kematian pada dewasa dan anak-anak. Subdural hematom merupakan lesi fokal intrakranial yang paling sering dijumpai, sekitar 24% dari pasien yang mengalami cedera kepala berat tertutup. Atrial Fibrilasi (AF) menyebabkan 6-24% kejadian stroke iskemik serta dapat terjadi kematian secara tiba-tiba karena gagal jantung. Seorang wanita 63 th dengan subdural hematom temporoparietal D, atrial fibrilasi dan penyakit jantung hipertensi, dengan riwayat jatuh dari motor, pingsan, mual dan nyeri kepala hebat. Rencana dilakukan kraniotomi evakuasi clot dan reposisi fiksasi fraktur. Operasi dilakukan dengan anestesi umum, menggunakan ETT No 7,5, ventilasi kendali. NGT no.16 dipasang untuk dekompresi. Premedikasi dengan midazolam 2 mg. Lidocain 1,5 mg /KgBB 3 menit sebelum intubasi. Co induksi menggunakan fentanyl 100 μg, induksi dengan propofol 100 mg. Fasilitas intubasi dengan vekuronium 0,1 mg / KgBB. Pemeliharaan anestesi menggunakan O2 + N2O + Sevofluran. Propofol di berikan kontinyu 100 mg/jam, Vekuronium 6mg /jam, Digoksin drip 0,25mg/24 jam. Operasi dilakukan selama 4 jam. Selama operasi hemodinamik relatif stabil, tekanan darah sistolik 130-150 mmHg, tekanan darah diastolik 70-90mmHg, laju nadi (HR) 90-110 x/mnt ireguler, SaO2 99-100 %, EtCO2 30-33. Ekstubasi tidak dilakukan dikamar operasi karena terdapat VES bigemini dan rapid ventricular respons terhadap AF, pasien kemudian dibawa ke ICU. Penurunan oksigenasi jaringan otak merupakan akibat dari dampak fisiologis pada sistem tubuh. Hipertensi, aritmia, hiperglikemi, hipertermi dan hipernatremi dapat muncul akibat sympathetic storming. Aritmia yang sering muncul adalah bradikardi, denyut ektopik, denyut ireguler, atrial fibrilasi dan supraventrikuler takikardi. Aritmia harus segera ditangani jika mengancam kehidupan, dan menyebabkan instabilitas hemodinamik serta hipoksia serebral, baik karena infark miokard maupun thromboemboli (AF dan SVT). Persiapan yang baik sebelum pembedahan yaitu oksigenasi, stabilisasi respirasi dan kardiovaskuler termasuk terapi aritmia, serta status cairan yang adekuat akan memberikan hasil yang lebih baik. Subdural Hematom in Patient with Atrial Fibrilation and Hypertensive Heart Disease Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is one of the serious life-threatening condition in trauma victim, and as the major cause of disability and death in adult and children. Subdural hematoma is the most often focal intracranial lesion found, with the incidence of 24% in close head injury cases. Approximatelly 6-24% of Atrial Fibrilation (AF) contributes to ischemic stroke and sudden death because of heart failure. We reported a 63 years old female, diagnosed with subdural hematoma of the right temporoparietal, atrial fibrillation and hypertensive heart disease, who arrivde at the hospital with history of unconsciousness, and severe headache due to motor vehicle accident, and undergone a craniotomy clot evacuation and reposition fixation of the fractured bones. The procedure was performed under general anesthesia, using ETT No 7,5., controlled ventilation. NGT no 16 was inserted for gastric decompression. Two mg of Midazolam and 1,5 mg/KgBW of lidocain given intravenously 3 minutes prior to intubations was used as premedications, 100 μg intravenou Fentanyl,was given as co induction. Induction anesthesia was performed using 100mg propofol and 0,1mg/KgBW vecuronium to facilitate intubations. Maintenance of anesthesia was obtained using O2, N2O, sevoflorane, continuous drip of 100 mg/hour propofol, 6mg/hour vecuronium,and 0,25mg/24hours of digoxin continuous drip was given. The procedure was done in 4 hours. During the operation, haemodynamic remained stable with SBP 130 – 150 mmHg, DBP 70-90 mmHg, HR 90-110 bpm irregular and SaO2 99-100 %. EtCO2 level was 30-33. The patient was not extubated by end of surgery, because ECG monitor showed VES bigemini and rapid ventricular response of AF. The patient was directly transferred to the ICU after the procedure. Decreased in brain tissue oxygenation is the physiological impact of body system. Hypertension, arrhythmia, hyperglycemia, hyperthermia and hypernatremia can occur due to sympathetic storm. The most common arrhythmias that could occur are bradycardia, ectopic beat, irregular beat, atrial fibrillation and supraventricular tachycardia. Arrhythmias due to myocardial infarction or thromboemboli (AF and SVT) must be treated immediately when considered as a life threatening condition which provokes a hemodynamic instability and cerebral hypoxia Optimal pre-operative management including oxygenation, cardiorespiration stabilization, arrhythmia managemen and, adequate fluid status, will improve the outcome.