Труды Института системного программирования РАН (Oct 2018)

How the story of UniTESK technology applications mirrors development of model based testing

  • V. P. Ivannikov,
  • A. K. Petrenko,
  • V. V. Kuliamin,
  • A. V. Maksimov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 24, no. 0


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UniTESK (UNIfied TEsting and Specification toolKit) is a testing technology based on formal models (or specifications) of requirements to behavior of software or hardware components. It was created with experience gained during development of the framework for automated testing of a real-time operating system kernel during 1994-2000. Software contracts were the main kind of models in the first version of the technology. Automata models were also implemented to support generation of complicated test sequences. UniTESK was first used in 2000 in the development of the test suite for IPv6 implementation. It was the first experience of using contract specifications in testing of implementations of telecommunication protocols. This project demonstrated that contract specifications in combination with the technique of testing software systems with asynchronous interface developed within UniTESK are very effective. Applications of UniTESK to testing software components in Java include the project on testing of implementation of standard library for Java runtime support and the project on testing of infrastructure of information system for one of large mobile operators in Russia. The most significant application of UniTESK happened in 2005-2007 in the Open Linux Verification project. Formal specifications and tests for interfaces of the Linux Standard Base were created during the project. These results then were used in development of the test suite for Russian avionics real-time operating system. Positive lessons learned during development and using UniTESK include effective application of model based testing methods in large industrial projects, high level of test coverage achieved by the generated tests, applicability of model based testing to critical systems and applications. Negative lessons include the lack of well-defined and detailed models and specifications, extra development expenses caused by creation of test specific models, problems with introduction of model based testing technologies using bilingual test generation systems and specific notations.
