Vìsnik Dnìpropetrovsʹkogo Unìversitetu: Serìâ Bìologìâ, Ekologìâ (Sep 2011)
Retrospective review of the ichthyocomplex formation in the Orel river
Dynamics of the ichthyofauna in theOrelRiverunder the intensification of transformational processes connected with the large-scaled hydro construction and reformation of the river’s flow. Modern basic indices of the river’s ichthyocomplex are ascertained. Changes in species composition and numbers of fish communities are disclosed for the total period of ichthyologic investigations (1948–2010). Main directions of the ichthyofauna changes and consequences of the introduction of nature protection status of the water area are ascertained. Measures on increasing the ichthyofauna sustainability of the Orel River, as a unique nature object of the central Dnieper region, are proposed.