Problemi Ekonomiki (Dec 2017)

Economic Security of a Company in the Structure of the Mechanism of Corporate Control

  • Serdyukov Konstantin H.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4
pp. 302 – 310


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The spread of the corporate form of business management caused the emergence of specific problems associated with the need to harmonize the interests of owners of corporate rights within a single strategic line of conduct of a joint-stock company. The need to identify such problems and create contours for organization of their management regarding them as specific threats to corporate security has determined the direction of the study. That is why the aim of the article is bringing the processes of economic security management of a joint-stock company in line with the processes of distribution and implementation of its corporate control. The basis for achieving this goal is the model of the problematic area of forming a corporate control mechanism of a company based on the stakeholder approach to defining goals and objectives of corporate control. At the same time, the organization of corporate security management is based on the introduced classification criterion of threats. This criterion allows identifying specific threats that arise specifically in the sphere of corporate relations. The adoption of an architectural approach to the description of the mechanism of corporate control enabled determining the relationship between threats of different hierarchical levels. Management of the level of security is based on the introduction of practices to counter the threats that within the architectural model of a company are associated with stakeholders.
