Науковий вісник Національної академії внутрішніх справ (Jun 2021)

Artificial Intelligence as a Tool of Legal Reform: Potential, Trends and Prospects

  • Yu. Kryvytskyi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 26, no. 2
pp. 90 – 101


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The purpose of the scientific article is to generalize and develop theoretical knowledge about the potential, trends and possible directions of using artificial intelligence technologies as a tool of legal reform, a means of improving the effectiveness of its implementation. The methodological basis of scientific research is a set of principles of scientific knowledge (historicism, science, comprehensiveness, pluralism), methodological approaches (activity, system, comparative, axiological), general methods of thinking (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization), philosophical (dialectical, metaphysical, metaphysical, metaphysical, metaphysical, hermeneutic, epistemological), general scientific (historical, synergetic, functional, structural) and specific scientific (formal-legal, comparative-legal) methods, the application of which provided the validity and reliability of the results of the study of the nature of artificial intelligence as the latest technology for legal reform. The scientific novelty of the publication is that for the first time the potential of artificial intelligence technologies as an important tool of legal reform, the latest means of improving its implementation due to its ability to make rational legal decisions, most adequate to the circumstances of legal development, in fact in real time. legislative activity, improvement of the legislative process and diversification of legislative techniques through digitalization of legal information; improved characteristics of the current state, trends and main vectors of the introduction of artificial intelligence in the legal field and legal practice; scientific ideas about doctrinal and normative approaches to understanding the nature of artificial intelligence, as well as debatable issues and possible threats and challenges related to the legal regulation of the creation, implementation and use of artificial intelligence technologies have been further developed. The conclusions of the scientific article are reduced to the following provisions, namely: the spread of artificial intelligence technologies in the modern world is gaining momentum. Soon enough, man will not be able to imagine life without artificial intelligence systems, which are likely to become the largest innovation project in the history of earthly civilization. At present, there is no single approach to understanding the nature of artificial intelligence in the technical field, which causes some uncertainty in the legal, social and moral-ethical fields. There is a discussion between different groups of legal experts on the legal aspects of the development of artificial intelligence; possible recognition of the legal personality of robots with artificial intelligence; the need to develop new mechanisms for the implementation of legal liability and compensation for damage in the use of artificial intelligence. In recent years, there have been intensive examples of the implementation of artificial intelligence systems in various fields and segments of social activity, which are mostly positive for their results. The use of artificial intelligence technologies in the legal field and legal practice is an important factor in the development of the legal system, ensuring the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. The potential of artificial intelligence technologies can contribute to the solution of complex, priority legal tasks, the implementation of significant and progressive legal transformations (innovations in the legal system, legal system, legal system). The use of artificial intelligence during legal reform allows to significantly expand the horizons of legislative activity, improve the legislative process and diversify legislative techniques
