Consumer Behavior Review (May 2023)
Assessing the effects of technology adoption model on satisfaction and loyalty in streaming services
The tremendous rise of demand for streaming services in the last decade, and during the pandemic COVID-19, has brought hope of a promising future for companies of this sector, where the determinants of customer satisfaction and loyalty are still to be fully understood. The empirical study presented in this paper seeks, as the primary goal, to analyze the factors that influence consumers’ loyalty to a streaming service. Seeking to answer the outlined research question, two types of sources were used in the present investigation: primary and secondary. Concerning the primary sources, quantitative research was used, with the convenience sampling technique for data collection, and a questionnaire that was applied online using institutional emails and social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp). The data (n= 205) were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. From the results obtained, it is possible to conclude that the main factors influencing loyalty towards a streaming platform are: perceived quality, ease of use, performance expectancy, and satisfaction. The analysis revealed a predictive validity of the three factors with satisfaction and, through this, to loyalty.