Інтродукція Рослин (May 2018)

Antiradical activity of plant extracts of Galega officinalis L. and G. orientalis Lam.

  • O.V. Shymanska,
  • O.M. Vergun,
  • D.B. Rakhmetov,
  • J. Brindza

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 78


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Objective – to estimate the antiradical scavenging ability of extracts of plants of Galega officinalis L. and G. orientalis Lam., depending on phase of growing in the conditions of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine (NBG). Material and methods. Plant material of this investigation was two species of Galega L. (G. officinalis and G. orientalis) collected from experimental collection of Cultural Flora Department of NBG: GOFSV (G. officinalis, spring vegetation), GOFB (G. officinalis, budding stage), GOFF (G. officinalis, flowering stage), GOFSR (G. officinalis, seed ripening stage), GORSV (G. orientalis, spring vegetation), GORB (G. orientalis, budding stage), GORF (G. orientalis, flowering stage), GORSR (G. orientalis, seed ripening stage). The antiradical activity of methanol, ethanol and aqueous extracts, based on the discoloration reaction on the solution of DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl free radical), was determined by spectrophotometric method according to Brandt-Williams et al. Biochemical preparation and analyze was carried out in the Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Biosafety, the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovak Republic) and NBG. The total content of tannins was determined by titrimetric method according to Krischenko (water extracts with indigo carmine were titrated by permanganate solution). Results. We determined that methanol extracts of Galega officinalis plants had antiradical activity in range from 19.39 % (GOFB) to 95.18 % (GOFSR), ethanol extracts – from 11.24 % (GOFB) to 92.87 % (GOFF), and water extracts – from 28.64 % (GOFSR) to 74.63 % (GOFF). Methanol extracts of Galega orientalis plants had antiradical activity from 20.20 % (GORSR) to 91.72 % (GORB), ethanol extracts – from 11.74 % (GORSR) to 84.74 % (GORF), and water extracts – from 22.90 % (GORSV) to 77.72 % (GORF). The total content of tannins for G. officinalis was in range of 1.22 to 4.17 % and for G. orientalis – from 1.55 to 4.42 % during vegetation. Conclusions. Plant raw material of two Galega L. species is potential source of antioxidants. During vegetation antiradical activity of plant extracts of Galega officinalis exhibited 11.24–95.18 % and Galega orientalis – 11.74–91.72 % depending on extract and phase of growing in conditions of NBG. Generative organs such as flowers and fruits had less content of tannins than vegetative.
