MedEdPublish (Aug 2019)
Building a database for curriculum mapping and analytics [Version 2]
Curriculum mapping of an outcomes-based programme using a database was developed using a relational database structure, and it functions as a searchable database by the use of keywords. Factors such as the framework of the programme, the database entity relationship diagram (ERD), benchmarking, terminology and nomenclature, analytics and integration with the learning management system requires careful consideration before implementation. Built into the structure of the curriculum database are the analytics features which identifies the curricula data using defined keywords. This enables staff and students to search through any programme or subject of interest to track a subject or keyword to the point of delivery with the use of the analytics feature. This results in the curricula information being transparent for all stakeholders, ensuring curriculum mapping and blueprinting of assessments are readily available. This paper reports on the implementation of a university-wide curricula database which includes multiple undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, including chronological versions of a programme at an institution with diverse health professions programmes, including medicine, dentistry, pharmacy. Additionally, this paper outlines the steps to design the curricula database, the development of the framework of the database and the analytics, the challenges in implementation, the results that can be obtained from such a database and the lessons learnt.