Bucovina Forestieră (Aug 2015)
Influenţa parametrilor meteorologici lunari şi periodici asupra creşterii radiale a bradului, pinului silvestru şi laricelui din Banat [The influence of monthly and periodical meteorological parameters on the radial growth of Silver fir, Scots pine and larch in Banat]
The purpose of this study was to determine the climatic variables (monthly and periodic) that are mostly related with the increase in basal area of silver fir, scots pine and larch from Semenic Mountains. The relationship between climate and trees radial growth was highlighted using dendroclimatological methods. By using periodic variables, in contrast to monthly varibles, a higher numer of statistical significant periods with an effect on auxological processes of the trees has been found. Compared to the use of monthly variables in the analysis, the periodicals climatic variables highlights many more statistically significant periods of the year that influencing auxological processes of the trees. Also, by using this type of analysis much higher values of the correlation coefficients have been obtained. Although most other dendroclimatological studies have used monthly values of climate variables to quantify the relationship between climate and trees growth in diameter, this study revealed that the analysis of correlation coefficients between the increase in the the tree basal area and periodic climate variables is the type of analysis that reflects most closely the relationship between the auxological processes of trees and climate variation.